The Population and Public Health Program at the BC Centre for Disease Control (BCCDC) is working collaboratively with the regional health authorities to evaluate the BC Food Costing Report 2017 and Dissemination project. We would like to invite you to complete this survey and let us know what you think about the report, infographic and key messages, so we can improve the usefulness of the report in future years.

The purpose of the report is to provide data to assess food affordability – the amount of income required for individuals and families to eat a nutritionally adequate diet. This report is undertaken every two years, and this year we also released an infographic to help promote the key messages.

This survey should take about 15 minutes to complete and all responses will be collected, analyzed, and reported anonymously to ensure your privacy is protected. However, you will have an opportunity to share your contact information should you be willing to participate in a follow up conversation. You may also withdraw consent at any time by contacting the Provincial Manager, Food Security as noted below.

The results of this survey will be included in the project evaluation report, a version of which will be available on the BCCDC website at the end of the project.

If you have any questions or concerns about this survey, please contact:

Melanie Kurrein, Provincial Manager Food Security, BCCDC

Phone: 604.675.7466 E-mail:

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