Sense of Belonging Research

Survey for All Settlement Services Clients


Sense of Belonging Survey

Survey for All Settlement Services Clients

This survey is being conducted by Dr. Jen Marchbank on behalf of Tri-Cities Local Immigration Partnership (through S.U.C.C.E.S.S). This feedback is to inform Tri-Cities Local Immigration Partnership (TCLIP) of settlement service usage by 2SLGBTQIA+* immigrants, refugees, international students, and temporary workers living in the Tri-Cities.

Your feedback is collected and stored in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Act to better understand the inclusion of 2SLGBTQIA+ immigrants, refugees, international students, and temporary workers in the Tri-Cities, and how the community can act to build a more welcoming Tri-Cities. 

Your participation in this research is voluntary, confidential, and anonymous. You may chose to stop participating in this survey at any time and you can refuse to answer any survey question. Your continued access to services will not be impacted by your withdrawal from participating or by your participation in this survey. This survey is independent of services that you may be receiving from settlement agencies or community organizations. 

This survey will be open until Thursday, August 31, and should take about 5 - 15 minutes to complete. 

At any time, if you need to pause, you can click 'Save and Continue Later' which will provide you with a link as well as the option to email it to your personal email to access easily in the future. Your personal email is note recorded, stored or visible to us.

2SLGBTQIA+ is an acronym that stands for: Two-Spirit people, Lesbian people, Gay people, Bisexual people, Transgender people, Queer people, Intersex people and any people who identify as part of sexual and gender diverse communities.

The work of the TCLIP takes place on the unceded traditional territory of the Kwikwetlem First Nation, which lies within the shared territories of the Tslei-Waututh, Katzie, Musqueam, Qayqayt, Squamish and Sto:lo Nations. We would like to acknowledge and honour that Indigenous Peoples have been and continue to be stewards of these lands since time immemorial. We commit our work to greater understanding of the calls to action from the National Truth and Reconciliation Commission and to facilitate Indigenous - newcomer relationships in our communities.

To begin the survey, click 'Next Page'.